Prepare to be the best financial you in 2017
‘Prepare to be the best financial you in 2017’
With Christmas around the corner and the New Year approaching, it is now time to start
thinking about your financial situation in 2017. Ensuring that your ‘Financial self’ is in tip
top shape will ultimately put you in a better position to achieve any financial goals you
have set for the New Year, whether it is entering the property market or buying a new
How to get financially fit?
Start with your credit history—is it in the right shape? More and more Lenders are
requesting applicants to provide recent personal bank statements as part of their
application. They want to see customer’s behaviour. It is important that these
statements don’t show negative balances or overdrafts where this facility is not
authorised by the bank. Ensure you are paying your bills on time and maintaining
regular repayments on any current loans or credit cards. A good credit history gives you
more flexibility and power for future decisions.
There are numerous ways to guarantee that your credit history is where it should be.
Get started by contacting Stars Broking Services today at 0405252808.
Three important considerations to be financially fit
- Draw up a budget
We all know budgets may be hard to stick to, but 2017 is your year. Drafting up a
family or personal budget will ensure you plan financially during 2017 by taking
control of your cash. - Be organised
2017 is your year to be organised. Instead of renewing your car or home insurance with
your current provider, take note of the renewal date and come and see Marco
Scannone at Stars Broking Services. He’ll find you a better deal. - Stay connected
2017 is your year to ‘know it all’. Stay up-to-date with changing property market and
financial news in your market. Subscribe to Stars Broking Newsletter today.
Debt: How much is too much?
When considering extending your investment portfolio or buying a new property or a
car, it is important to consider your borrowing limit and ensure you are getting the best
interest rate and loan.
Be the best financial you in 2017!
For further insights into loan options, contact Marco Scannone at 0405 252 808.
From Stars Broking Services, we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas
and Happy New year. Let us make 2017 your financial year.